2010-14 Mustang TPMS Kits

Ordering new wheels and tires? Save time and money by purchasing new 2010-2014 Mustang Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS).

When you order a kit with your wheel and tires, we install them for you for free! This prevents you from having to demount your tires to get your old ones out and allows you to install your new wheel and tire kit straight out of the box. Pick up a new TPMS training tool to get your sensors back in working order.
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2010-14 Mustang TPMS Kits

Mustang TPMS Tech Guides

How To Reprogram TPMS On S197 Mustang | 2005-14

Need to reset your S197 Mustang's TPMS sensors? Follow along as we walk you through the quick and easy steps to reset your 2005-14 Mustang TPMS sensors.