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1992-1996 Bronco Fuel Pump Relay Location

Created by Jay Walling / 2 min read
Date Created: 9/2/2022
Last Updated: 10/10/2023

LMR's quick location guide will help you find your 5th Generation Bronco's fuel pump relay location! Follow along, and we will show you where to find this!

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  • 1992-1996 Bronco Fuel Pump Relay Location

One issue that every Bronco owner may face is a no-start condition due to a lack of fuel. A lot of times, this is due to an inoperative fuel pump relay. Locations of this relay have changed from generation to generation. During the 4th generation, the Bronco had an individual relay pack under the driver's side of the hood, near the hood hinge. Once the 5th generation was introduced, this location moved to a complete underhood fuse box that tied in the PCM, fuel pump, horn, trailer lamps, and ABS relays. This cleaner design helped with some of the problems older generation 4 Bronco's faced. This helped keep these important relays out of the elements and also helped with heat issues. This Underhood fuse/relay box is located directly behind the driver's side fender airbox.

The main purpose of this fuel pump relay is to be a safety device that converts the vehicle's current flow to the fuel pump. If your relay is old, corroded, or worn out, this can cause intermittent driveability issues and not allow your Bronco to start. This is normally one of the first areas you will want to test when you have narrowed down a fuel delivery issue on your Bronco.

Check out LMR's detailed Bronco fuse panel guide for more info on everything within this fuse box.

1992-1996 Bronco Fuel Pump Relay Location  - OBS Bronco Fuel Pump Relay Location

We hope this short but informative article listing the OBS Bronco Fuel Pump Relay Location makes life a little easier! Make sure to keep it here with LMR for more Bronco Tech-related info down the road!

Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Jay Walling.

About the Author

Jay has written content for Late Model Restoration for over 10 years, producing over 120 articles. Jay has an extensive 25-plus-year background in automotive and is a certified Ford Technician. Read more...