Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide

Created by Jay Walling
Date Created: 11/13/2018
Last Updated: 5/17/2021

In this guide, LMR goes into detail on how you can shed a few pounds and how to make your Fox Body Mustang a lean mean racing machine!

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Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide - Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide

In this write-up, we will go into detail on how you can shed a few pounds and how to make your Mustang a lean mean racing machine! Weight reduction can be a very cost effective way to make your car quicker overall. A good rule of thumb is for every decrease of 100 pounds, you can usually increase around 1/10 of a second on your quarter mile times. You can go mild or wild with this but you need to also factory in comfortability and reliability as well.

Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide - Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide

Quick “free mods” that you can do would include some of the following:

  • Spare Tire & Jack Assembly – By removing the spare tire and jack, you can easily shed a few pounds from your Mustang. By doing this you have to keep in mind that if you have a flat going to the track you do not have a way to fix it. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 20-40 lbs.
  • Passenger Seat - The passenger seat is a quick easy way to remove unwanted weight. Four bolts and a couple electrical connections make this one of the biggest weight drops for your Fox. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 40-50 lbs.
  • Front Sway Bar - Removing the stock front sway bar can help you drop a few pounds off of the front end. Please note, this is only recommended for track use only. Leaving this off when daily driving your Mustang can result in excessive body roll and poor handling. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 10-15 lbs.
  • Random Items In Your Car - Some of us really do not think about the little things, but these can add up quickly. Anything from your owner’s manual in the glovebox, to your backpack full of books and your laptop can add up quick. When making a trip to the track cleaning any excess weight out of the car can always help. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 0-50 lbs.

Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide - Fox Body Weight Reduction Guide

Weight Loss Items That will Cost Money:

  • Suspension - These can include aftermarket parts such as tubular K-members and A-arms, light-weight upper and lower rear control arms, and even lightweight brake parts. These areas can also benefit you on a more rigid chassis and better handling capabilities. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 20-100 lbs.
  • Drivetrain - Lightweight flywheels and drive shafts can help with weight loss and also rotational mass. These mods will also help you on faster overall acceleration from a stop. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 20-40 lbs.
  • Rear Seat Delete - This will be another area to rid you of some unwanted pounds. Aftermarket rear seat deletes can have its ups and downs. Weight loss and added interior room will be your overall benefits, but not having room for passengers can be a headache for some. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 20-40 lbs.
  • Aftermarket Seats - Aftermarket seats can be a great way to shed dead weight. Our friends at Corbeau offer great comfortable and stylish lightweight options. These will also give you the added options for aftermarket seatbelt harness options depending on the models. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT LOSS 20-40 lbs.

Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Jay Walling.

About the Author

Jay has written content for Late Model Restoration for over 10 years, producing over 120 articles. Jay has an extensive 25-plus-year background in automotive and is a certified Ford Technician. Read more...