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How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

Our article and video tutorial show you how to install our SVE 03-04 Cobra heat extractor hood inserts. Buy yours today from LMR!

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How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

Please note for fitment this product will work for both 03-04 Cobra factory hoods as well as Cervini's Cobra-style hood for non-Cobra models. Also, note in rare instances we have noticed that OEM and Cervini's hoods may need to be filed down slightly to be able to fit the SVE inserts.

  1. With the hood open, we will need to remove the hood insulator first. We start this by removing the 8mm bolt that secures the ground strap to the hinge.
  2. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  3. Next, remove all of the hood insulator pushpins and then you can set the hood insulator aside.
  4. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  5. Dislodge the (3) small metal clips on the factory hood insert by pushing out. Please note while doing this to use your free hand to prevent the insert from sliding down the hood when all of the clips are released.
  6. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  7. Remove the other insert and clean any dirt or debris from the opening.

  8. Now grab one of our SVE Hood Inserts and test fit within the hood opening. Please be aware that this will be a snug fit and if needed you may need to fill down in certain areas.
  9. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  10. Once the adjustments have been made, install the lower bracket and one of the screws. Then install the second screw and leave these loose until all of the hold down brackets are installed.
  11. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  12. Install the small upper brackets, then you can fully tighten all of the screws.
  13. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

  14. Repeat these same steps for the other side.

  15. Because of the open design you will need to cut the hood insulator to accommodate this. First, you will need to reinstall the insulator and mark the areas that you will need to cut. Use a fresh, sharp utility blade and cut the insulator. Once that is done you can reinstall the insulator and you are good to go!
  16. How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts - How To Install SVE 03-04 Mustang Cobra Heat Extractor Hood Inserts

03-04 Cobra SVE Hood Vent Heat Extractor

About the Video

How To Install SVE Mustang Cobra Hood Vents (03-04)

Check out our YouTube channel for even more tech tips, installation videos, how-tos, and more. The best place to go for anything Mustang related!

Published on 2020-01-23
Buy SVE Cobra Hood Vents:

Follow along as Landan shows you how to install the SVE Cobra Hood Vents on your 03-04 Cobra or Cobra style hood


#LMR #SVE #Cobra

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