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Hardware Requirements
The amount of hardware used will vary between 87-93 GT/Cobra applications as listed below:
1987-1993 GT Convertible
1987-1993 Mustang Ground Effects Bracket Kit
Whether you are restoring your 87-93 Mustang GT or converting your 1987-1993 Mustang LX into a GT or 1993 Cobra clone, then this is the kit for you. This complete Mustang Ground Effects Bracket Set fits 1987-1993 GT and factory 1993 Cobra ground effects that run around the bottom side of the doors. Kit includes 2 Lower Rocker Panel Brackets, 4 upper brackets for the fenders and quarter panel, and 4 lower brackets for the Fender and quarter panel. All brackets are finished in a zinc coating. The kit comes complete with a ground effect screw kit for mounting the Urethane pieces to the body. 1 kit will complete both sides of the car.
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