Add some flash to your instrument cluster with a White Face Gauge Kit to upgrade the looks if your 94-98 Mustang Gt or V-6. Ever since the 94-04 SVT Cobra Mustang rolled off the assembly line with white face gauges from the factory, everyone has been wanting that same look. 5.0 Resto offers the white face gauges that transform your factory 1994-1998 Mustang's gauges and give you that performance look you are after. These white face gauges go over the top of your existing gauges and have all of the factory light cutouts like your originals. This allows the factory back lighting to shine through just like it does now. This complete kit has all of the over lays for your gauge cluster and will convert GT's or V-6 cars!
How To Remove Your SN95 and New Edge Mustang Instrument Cluster (94-04)
How To Install SN95/New Edge Mustang Gauge Face Overlays (94-04)
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Published on 2013-10-22 Dress up your Mustang's interior with a set of white face gauge overlays. These can quickly and easily add some style all while improving your speedometer visibility. They are available for New Edge (99-04 4.6L & 3.8L V6), SN95 (94-98 4.6L & 3.8L V6) and Fox Body Mustangs (79-93 5.0L). Get the look of the 94-04 SVT Cobra with our white face gauge overlays.
These white face gauges go over the top of your existing gauges and have all of the factory light cutouts like your originals. This allows the factory back lighting to shine through just like it does now. This complete kit has all of the over lays for your gauge cluster!
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