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(1986-04) Mustang TPS Voltage Adjustment Video

Need help installing or adjusting your 86-04 Mustang throttle position sensor? Watch our install video to help you install and properly adjust your Stang's TPS.

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If you have some rough idling issues in your 86-04 Mustang, especially after replacing your throttle body, then you may need to replace or adjust your Throttle Position Sensor (TPS). Any time the TPS or throttle body is replaced it is critical to properly adjust your throttle position sensor to avoid idling issues. Follow along in the video above as Jmac shows you just how easy it is to install and adjust a new throttle position sensor in your 86-04 Mustang.

To make adjustments to your TPS you will need the following tools:

  • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM)
  • Philips head screwdriver
86-04 Mustang Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Install & Adjustment - Mustang Throttle Position Sensor Adjustment

How To Make Adjust Your Mustang TPS

  1. Turn car to key on, engine off mode
  2. Turn on your Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM) and set to DC Volts
  3. “Tap” the green wire on the TPS with the red wire of the DVOM
  4. Place the black wire of the DVOM on a good grounded source on the engine
  5. Loosen the retaining screws on the throttle position sensor
  6. Twist the sensor clockwise or counter-clockwise to make adjustments
  7. You want voltage to be below 1 Volt: between .75 and .98 is acceptable
  8. Tighten retaining screws on TPS & recheck voltage

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Mustang Throttle Position Sensor

About the Video

Mustang TPS Install - How To Adjust Throttle Position Sensor Voltage

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Published on 2013-06-12
Do you have a rough idle in your Fox Body Mustang? Have you recently changed or upgraded your Mustang's throttle body? Chances are you need to adjust your Mustang's Throttle Position Sensor (TPS). Follow along in the video as Jmac walks you through the process of removing and installing a new TPS. He also shows you some valuable tech tips on how to adjust your Mustang throttle position sensor (TPS).

The TPS sensor is located on your throttle body and to tune and adjust your TPS, you will need a volt meter (to monitor voltage) and a few common hand tools. This process will take you just a couple of minutes and will ensure your Mustang is idling properly. It is a must when upgrading to a larger throttle body or when replacing an old worn out TPS.
0:00:00 - 0:00:25
During the ownership of an 87-93 fox mustang you're going to have to replace the throttle position sensor otherwise known is a TPS sensor. The TPS is a variable resistor mechanically attached to the throttle shaft. Letting the computer know based on variable voltage what position the throttle is at - idle, part or wide-open throttle.

0:00:25 - 0:00:46
now if you've replaced your TPS sensor, replaced your throttle body or simply adjusted your idle then you need to check and make sure the key on engine off voltage is under one volt because if it's not; if it is at one volt or over you could end up with some severe idle issues. Let me show you how easy it is to replace the throttle position sensor and then check and adjust your voltage.

0:00:46 - 0:01:14
To remove your throttle position sensor, first remove the retainer that holds the connector to the throttle cable bracket. Unplugged the connector and then use a Phillips head screwdriver and remove the two retaining screws. To reinstall your new TPS, slide the new throttle position sensor over the throttle shaft. Install your two Phillips head retaining screws. Plug in the connector. Then attach the connector retainer to the cable bracket.

0:01:14 - 0:01:37
When putting on that new TPS don't over tighten those Philips head screws because you don't want to damage the new sensor. For the adjustment you're going to need a digital volt-ohm meter or also known as a DVOM. I also like to keep around a random sewing needle that way I can get a good tap in the connector. I can actually pierce the wire and not cause any damage.

0:01:37 - 0:02:07
Go ahead and turn your key to the on position. Make sure you do not start the engine - this is the key on engine off position. Start off by taking your sewing needle and go to the green wire. Slide it down into the connector and you will feel it were it touches the metal part of the terminal. Grab your digital volt meter or DVOM and set it to DC volts. Place the black lead on the intake manifold. Make sure you got a good ground connection. Take the red lead and place it on your sewing needle.

0:02:07 - 0:02:38
To adjust the TPS voltage loosen the two Philips head screws and twist the sensor either clockwise or counter clockwise depending on if the voltage needs to go up or down. If you do not have enough adjustment, you can take any drill bit and enlarge the two screw holes to give you more adjustment. Some throttle bodies even have adjustable TPS mount. This requires an allen head wrench to loosen the bolts and you can twist the mount and does not require you to enlarge the holes on the TPS sensor. You want the voltage to be below one volt anything between .75 and .98 is acceptable.

0:02:38 - 0:02:42
In a nutshell that is your throttle position sensor replacement and adjustment procedure. For more fox body tech check out
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