Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback | 1979-1993

Created by Jay Walling
Date Created: 11/2/2021
Last Updated: 1/9/2023

If you've recently replaced run channel's on your Fox, adjusting your door glass is the final step in the process. Follow along, and we will show you the steps!

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Weatherstrips are part of every 1979-1993 Fox Body restoration. When it comes to the run channel weatherstrips, door glass adjustment will be the final step once these are installed. If the door glass is misaligned, it can result in damaging water leaks and annoying wind noise in the interior of your Fox. Follow along, and we will show you all of the needed steps to get your glass fully seated where it should be.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

Door Panel Removal

Associated Hardware

  • Once you have the door panel removed, you will need to access all associated hardware for the door channel bracket. These will be the two bolts located near the front edge of the door frame. Remember, you will need to loosen these and do not fully remove them from the door.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Next, moving to the guide rod, you will only need to loosen the upper nut. The lower nut on the bottom edge of the door can stay tight; there is no adjustment at this location.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Then, you will want to loosen the upper bolt for the rear guide; this is located near the lock rod on the back edge of the door frame.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • The last step will be the window guide bushing bracket. You will need to roll the window up to gain access to this one; then, you can loosen this last bolt here.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

Adjustment Procedure

  • Now that we have all of the hardware loosened, it is time to start the adjustment procedure. Begin by completely rolling the window up to its highest position. The door glass will need to be set within the run channel. If you need to, you will be able to reach in from underneath and push the glass from the bottom side if it is not fully seated just from the motor alone.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Now, begin by applying slight pressure on the rear guide until it makes contact with the door glass. This guide needs to make slight contact with the glass. Now you can fully tighten down this bolt.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Moving forward, tighten down the upper guide rod mount nut. Next, apply inward pressure to the front channel bracket. Ensure there is contact with the glass and then tighten the top bolt first, followed by the bottom bolt.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and HatchbackFox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and HatchbackFox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Lastly, tighten up the window guide bushing mount bolt.

Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback - Fox Body Front Window Adjustment | Coupe and Hatchback

  • Check over all of your work and then reinstall your door panel. Now you have successfully adjusted your Coupe/Hatchback door glass!

We hope this article has helped you in the adjustment procedure for your 1979-1993 Fox Body Mustang! For more interior Installs/Removals check out our Fox Body Interior Article List for more info.

Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Jay Walling.

About the Author

Jay has written content for Late Model Restoration for over 10 years, producing over 120 articles. Jay has an extensive 25-plus-year background in automotive and is a certified Ford Technician. Read more...