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1988-1993 Mustang Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrip Install

Created by Jay Walling / 5 min read
Date Created: 3/3/2022
Last Updated: 2/9/2024

Replace your rotting & cracking Fox Body Mustang Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips! Follow along with this instructional article to help you through the removal and installation.

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How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993

After years of abuse from the environment and elements, Fox Body Mustang Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips begin to rot and crack. This easy install can greatly improve the looks of your Pony and help prevent scratching on your window and water leaks.

Follow along and we will show you the needed steps to remove and replace these.

  • Kit includes both left and right hand weatherstrips
  • Will not fit 79-87 with a standard outer door mirror
  • Will not fit coupe or hatchback models

Tools Required:

  • Philips Head Screw Driver
  • Drill And Drill Bits
  • Rivet Gun
  • General Cleaning Supplies
  • 1/4" Drive Socket Set With Extentions And Wobble Socket
  • Plastic Trim Tools
  1. To begin the installation, you will need to remove your factory inner door panel and outer door belt moldings. Check out each of the article links below to show you how these tasks are completed.


  3. Next, you will need to remove both of the outer door belt extensions located on the front edge of the door. I used a few extensions and a wobble socket here to access both of the 9mm nuts that hold these on. Carefully remove these from the car and try not to break the plastic as it can be brittle.

  4. How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993
  5. Now, you will need to locate all of the attaching rivets and drill these out. Make sure to be very careful here, I used a plastic trim tool between the backside of the rivet and the door glass to protect this

  6. How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993
  7. Once you have all of the rivets removed, you can now lift the weatherstrip off of the door edge. Take this time to clean all of the surfaces before reinstallation.

  8. How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993
  9. Slide the new weatherstrip into place and make sure that all of the holes line up front to rear. Begin riveting the weatherstrip in place making sure all of the rivets properly seat.

  10. How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993
  11. You can now reinstall your door belt extensions, outer door belt molding, and door panel. Check over your work and you are all done!

  12. How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993 - How To Install Convertible Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips 1988-1993

We hope that this article has helped you and you have a better understanding of how to remove and replace the Outer Door Belt Weatherstrips for your 1988-1993 Convertible Mustang.

As always, make sure to keep it here with the Real Mustang Enthusiasts at

Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Jay Walling.

About the Author

Jay has written content for Late Model Restoration for over 10 years, producing over 120 articles. Jay has an extensive 25-plus-year background in automotive and is a certified Ford Technician. Read more...