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Mustang Door Lock Actuator Install (87-93)

Created by Jay Walling
Date Created: 3/11/2019
Last Updated: 3/2/2020

Watch our Mustang door lock actuator install video to help you get your power door locks functioning properly again!

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How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

An inoperative door lock actuator can be a real pain to deal with. With this simple install you can make your mustang's door unlock and lock as it should.

Now, one special feature about these door lock actuators is an NPR rubber boot. This is exclusive to 50 resto. This boot will not degrade, and will not allow water to penetrate the actuator, which is the main problem that plagues other aftermarket lock actuators. Here are the tools we're going to need for this install.

  1. Remove the actuator from the box and set the parts on a work bench. You will find a few different shafts included. For your Fox you will need to select the S shaped shaft. Slide this into the end of the actuator and the set the pin with a hammer against the work surface.

  2. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)
    How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  3. Check the rivet hole for any casting flash, using your drill and a 1/4" drill bit, run the bit in the hole a few times. This will make the rivet sit flush and make the install easier.

  4. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  5. Next, move the car and remove the door panel from the car.

  6. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  7. On the center of the door jam, use your drift or punch and your hammer and knock out the mandrel from the center of the rivet holding the actuator in place.

  8. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  9. Using a 3/8" drill bit, drill the remaining portion of the rivet out from the door. Make sure to only drill through the head of the rivet, do not go too deep. Once the rivet if free the actuator is ready to come out.

  10. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  11. From inside the door lift up on the actuator and pull it away from the lock rod that is attached. Once you have it separated, unplug the electrical connector and then you can discard the old actuator assembly.

  12. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  13. With the new actuator in hand, plug in the electrical connector.

  14. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  15. Slide the S rod back into place on the door lock rod.

  16. Set the actuator into place and put the rivet in through the door. Grab your rivet gun and then set your rivet.

  17. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  18. Check for operation once the rivet is set and make sure the lock rod moves freely and there is no binding in the system.

  19. How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93) - How To Install Fox Body Mustang Door Lock Actuator (87-93)

  20. If everything is good, then reinstall the door panel and repeat these steps for the other side.

Good job! You have just successfully removed and replaced your door lock actuator in your Mustang. To see more how-to articles covering industry leading products, check out for all things 79-present Mustang parts and 93-95 and 99-04 Lightning.

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About the Video

1979-1993 Fox Body Mustang: How To Install Door Lock Actuator

Check out our YouTube channel for even more tech tips, installation videos, how-tos, and more. The best place to go for anything Mustang related!

Published on 2012-09-24
The door lock actuators are no longer sold under the 5.0 Resto brand. Click the link below to see the current offering for your 1979-1993 Fox Body Mustang.

Need help replacing the worn-out and non-functioning door locks on your Fox Body Mustang? Watch this video as we walk you through the complete installation and removal process.

So your key won't turn in the door, the lock knob won't push down, & nothing happens when you push the lock button, the door lock just stop working? Well, it sounds like you need to replace the door lock actuator.
JEFF: Hi, I'm Jeff.

JONATHAN: And I'm Jonathon. We're with Today we're going to be talking about power door lock actuators for your '79 to '93 Fox Mustang. Our 50 resto door lock actuators are available individually with the attaching rivet, or as a pair with attaching rivets, door panel push pins, and the door panel removal tool.

Now, one special feature about these door lock actuators is an NPR rubber boot. This is exclusive to 50 resto. This boot will not degrade, and will not allow water to penetrate the actuator, which is the main problem that plagues other aftermarket lock actuators. Now Jeff, tell me a little bit about the tools we're going to need for this install.

JEFF: Sure thing, Jonathan. You're going to need a good hammer and a drift, a drill, two drill bits, a 3/8" and a 1/4" drill bit. Lastly, you need to pick up a good large rivet gun, which we do sell on our website if you need one. Now Jonathan, is there anything else I need to know or can we get this install started?

JONATHAN: Let's get started, Jeff.

JEFF: All right.

JONATHAN: The first step in getting your power door lock actuator ready to go is selecting which shaft you need. You'll need the small, "s" shaped one-- you can throw the rest of them away. Simply slide it into the actuator and set the pin with a hammer. Next thing, you'll notice you may have a little bit of casting flash here on the rivet hole. You may want to go ahead and take your 1/4" drill bit and enlarge that hole, that way the rivet passes through. And now we're ready to go pull the old one off.

As you can see, we've already got the door panel removed. If you need help with that, check out our door panel removal video on our YouTube channel. Now the first step in removing your door lock actuator is grab your drift and hammer and knock the mandrel of the existing rivet through. Then you grab your drill and your 3/8" drill bit and drill through the head of the rivet. Drills through only the head, don't go any further.

Your existing door lock actuator is going to be in the door just like this-- has the same rod on it. It's really hard to get the shot in the door, but I wanted to show you the motion to get it out. Basically lift it up and pull it out, and then you can unplug it.

As you can see, that boot is completely disintegrated. And that's why this lock actuator failed-- water intrusion. Now you can go ahead and plug in your new door lock actuator, slide it into place, and we're ready to install the rivet.

Once you get your new door lock actuator hung on the door latch and plugged in, grab your new rivet, engage it into the back of the actuator, grab your rivet gun and set your rivet.

JEFF: Alright, Jonathan, it looks like it's functioning properly.

JONATHAN: Yeah, man, it's working great. All I go to do is throw the door panel back on and we're done with this install.

JEFF: Man, I sure do appreciate the help today.

JONATHAN: Not a problem, man.

JEFF: Now, if you need more tech tips and install videos, make sure you check out
Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Jay Walling.

About the Author

Jay has written content for Late Model Restoration for over 10 years, producing over 120 articles. Jay has an extensive 25-plus-year background in automotive and is a certified Ford Technician. Read more...