Mustang Door Lock - Parts & Components

Mustang Power Door Locks add a viable creature comfort that we definitely miss when it is not working. Fox Body Mustangs equipped with Power Door Locks are typically in 1 of 3 different states. 1 - They operate properly. 2 - The key still works in the door but nothing happens when you hit the unlock button. 3 - The key won't even turn in the Door Lock Cylinder, the Door Lock Knob is frozen in the unlock position & nothing happens when you hit the switch. If # 2 or 3 describes the state of your Mustang's Power Door Lock situation, the likely culprit is a defective Power Door Lock Actuator. Because you only want to do this job once on your 1979-93 Fox Body Mustang, we put together a complete kit containing a pair of Power Door Lock Actuators, a pair of Attaching Rivets, 24 Door Panel Push Pins, & a Door Panel Removal Tool. The cure for inoperative Mustang Power Door Locks all in one neat package!

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Mustang Door Lock Actuators

Mustang Door Lock Knobs & Lock Rods