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Fox Body Restoration Guide: Drivetrain

Created by Neal Jimenez
Date Created: 8/12/2022
Last Updated: 9/12/2022

When owning a 1979-1993 Mustang, you will know the pro's and con's of the factory SROD, T5, and AOD transmission that came in the Fox Body Mustang. With time, transmission internal components can become worn, damaged, or broken, necessitating restoring your driveline components. Late Model Restoration has you covered with high-quality drivetrain, rear end, and transmission parts. If your Fox Mustang has increased its power output over the years and the factory transmission and drivetrain are not strong enough to support the power, LMR has upgraded transmissions, differentials, clutches, axles, and driveshaft to support any power! Use our restoration guides, tech articles, and DIY videos created by our skilled tech team to help restore or improve your Mustang GT, Cobra, Coupe, and Convertible’s driveline and transmission components. Come back to check out our ever-expanding tech guides for you, the Mustang enthusiasts.

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Thumbnail image of the author of this article, Neal Jimenez.

About the Author

Neal has owned a 1996 3.8L, 2003 3.8L (Cobra Swapped), 2003 GT, 1998 3.8L (4.6L SOHC Swapped), 1990 GT Hatchback, 1990 GT Convertible, 2006 GT Single Turbo, and 2011 Twin Turbo/Cammed GT. Read more...